Tree & Shrub Fertilization & Protection Program

Bring out the best in your trees and shrubs

Your healthy trees and shrubs are an investment that will provide beauty and natural protection for years to come. Our Tree & Shrub Fertilization & Protection Program includes a slow-release, well-balanced professional fertilizer every other month to promote vigorous growth, flowering potential, and a full, colorful leaf canvas. An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, utilizing systemic insecticide treatments, will protect your foliage from destructive pests without harming the beneficial insects that live in your trees and shrubs.

Foliage frustrations?



Damage plants by feeding and honeydew secretion



Tiny, sap-feeding pest insects

unhealthy leaf


Undernourished trees and shrubs

We can help!

With 25+ years of experience, we’re experts when it comes to keeping your trees and shrubs beautiful. Many local homeowners and commercial nurseries trust us to keep their trees and shrubs insect and disease-free. We optimize the health and vitality of your trees and shrubs by employing a well-balanced NPK fertilizer and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methods for comprehensive care.

Organo Tree & Shrub Program

Well-balanced Slow-release Surface Fertilization
Schedule Every other month
Prices By estimate only, due to landscape variations
Merit® Systemic Insecticide
aphidMerit® Systemic Insecticide Annual Spring treatment. Protects your trees and shrubs from insects. Aphids produce a sticky, messy sap called honeydew as a result of sucking the life out of your trees and shrubs. Our highly effective systemic treatment uses an IPM approach to target aphids and other damaging insects, while not targeting beneficial insects like ladybugs and praying mantises.

Price per treatment: By estimate only, due to landscape variations. Let us know if you're interested in this highly recommended seasonal service.
Tree Deep-Root Fertilization
fertilizer spikeTree Deep-Root Fertilization Deep root fertilization is crucial for trees facing nutrient deficiency, compacted or poor soil, stress conditions, and mature trees. Arborists recommend it for seasonal maintenance, especially in urban environments. This service ensures optimal tree health by addressing nutrient deficiencies in suburban soil. Slow release deep root fertilizer is applied when your trees need it the most. Fertilizer spikes are applied near the dripline of your trees to promote healthy growth and a full, colorful leaf canvas.

Price per treatment: By estimate only, due to landscape variations. Let us know if you're interested in this highly recommended seasonal service.

Yes! Let’s get started — we’d love to hear from you

No payment is due now — we’ll contact you to confirm program and pricing details before your first service visit.

What sets us apart

Well-balanced Nutrients for Optimal Health

NPK, representing Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K), forms a vital nutrient trio essential for optimal plant and tree growth. Nitrogen promotes lush leaf and stem growth, Phosphorus strengthens roots and aids in flower and fruit formation, while Potassium enhances overall plant health, fostering disease resistance and drought tolerance. This synergistic balance of nutrients promotes vigor, resilience, and productivity in plants, resulting in a flourishing and visually appealing landscape. Using a well-balanced NPK fertilizer ensures the ready availability of these essential elements, supporting plants' diverse needs throughout their life cycle.



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green leaf green leaf

Green leaves



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roots roots

Strong roots



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growth growth

Healthy growth

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with systemic insecticides provides a targeted and efficient strategy for safeguarding the health of trees and shrubs. In this approach, systemic insecticides are employed to control pests by being absorbed and circulated within the plant's vascular system. This method offers long-lasting protection, as the insecticide is distributed throughout the entire plant, including leaves, stems, and roots. By specifically targeting pests while minimizing harm to beneficial insects and the environment, IPM with systemic insecticides strikes a balance between effective pest control and ecological responsibility. This approach is particularly valuable for maintaining the vitality of trees and shrubs, offering a comprehensive solution that addresses pest issues while minimizing the environmental impact associated with broader pesticide applications.

Our Customers Say It Best!

Statistical Quotes

  • Carefully positioned trees can save up to 25% of the energy a typical household uses

    U.S. Department of Energy

  • A single tree can absorb 10 pounds of air pollutants a year, and produce nearly 260 pounds of oxygen - enough to support two people

    American Forests

  • Moderate to dense vegetative barriers can reduce traffic noise by 9–11 dB

    Ow and Ghosh, 2017