Seasonal Services

Expert services for every season

Healthy lawns and landscapes offer year-round natural beauty and protection, cooling our environment and purifying the air we breathe. With the changing seasons, we adapt your landscape's care to the weather conditions, optimizing nutrient absorption and preventing damage from insects. Our highly recommended and frequently requested unique care services for each season are perfect complements to your lawn, tree, and pest programs.


Lawn Services



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An unprotected lawn can be destroyed before you even realize that grubs are present, eating the roots. To prevent this, we offer Spring and Summer systemic applications for season-long protection against larvae damage. Destructive grub worms, often the larvae of various beetle species such as Japanese beetles, June beetles, and European chafers, pose a significant threat to lawns and gardens. These cream-colored, C-shaped larvae feed voraciously on grassroots, leading to brown patches and weakened turf that can easily be pulled up like loose carpet. As they tunnel through the soil, grub worms disrupt the soil structure, making it challenging for grass to establish a healthy root system. Moreover, their presence attracts other pests like moles and skunks, which feed on these grubs, further exacerbating the damage to the lawn. Timely identification and intervention through targeted grub control measures are essential to mitigate the detrimental impact of these destructive pests on the overall health and appearance of the lawn.


Humate Soil Aeration

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OMRI Micro Humate Soil Conditioner + Iron and Sulfur (”Humate”) reduces soil tension and increases water and nutrient absorption. Incorporating humates into the soil is also a great way to enhance soil microbial activity. The humate dispersible granular technology will quickly dissolve into thousands of micro granules upon contact with water — restoring soil balance, and greatly improving the health of your soil during the hot summer months. Added benefits include improved soil structure, increased root growth, beneficial microorganism health, and greatly increased phosphorus availability. This service will significantly aid in developing a think green lawn with less weeds during the growing season.

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Lawn Core Aeration

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No other seasonal service has a more beneficial effect on your lawn's health than spring and fall lawn aerations. In spring, our Humates-enriched liquid aeration organically enhances your soil structure, facilitating water penetration and nutrient absorption while preserving soil integrity. Our fall core aeration relieves soil compaction — allowing air, water, seed, and starter fertilizer direct access to the root zone. This process promotes healthy root growth, decomposes thatch layers, and ultimately contributes to a vibrant and thriving lawn. Don't miss out on the unparalleled advantages of our lawn aeration services for a healthier, more resilient lawn.

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Fall overseeding and lawn aeration go hand-in-hand. Lawn aeration provides the best growth conditions for new grass seedlings. Sown seed is able to make direct contact with the soil and retain moisture from the core holes generated from aeration. Annual fall overseeding (when temperatures are prime for germination success) helps to repair, strengthen, and revitalize your lawn with new healthy growth and increased turf density.

We use professional-grade RTF® Fescue. RTF (rhizomatous tall fescue) is a NEW advanced turf-type tall fescue that produces rhizomes. Rhizomes are small underground lateral shoots that allow a plant to spread laterally, enabling the turf area to self-repair.

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Overseeding with Topsoil

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Keeps new seed warm and moist for improved germination success, especially in bare areas.

We use professional-grade RTF® Fescue. RTF (rhizomatous tall fescue) is a NEW advanced turf-type tall fescue that produces rhizomes. Rhizomes are small underground lateral shoots that allow a plant to spread laterally, enabling the turf area to self-repair.


Irrigation / Sprinklers Service and Repair Program

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This highly recommended service will keep your lawn as healthy as possible. It's normal for your sprinklers to degrade over time. We inspect your irrigation and sprinklers to ensure your lawn is getting proper water coverage. All sprinklers are adjusted and fine tuned for best results. Any broken sprinklers are fixed and nozzle replacement is also included. Broken underground pipe, valve, and drip line repairs are also available for an additional charge.

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Soil Wetting Agent

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As hydroscopic humectants, soil wetting agents act by reducing soil tensions, allowing for a more effective spread of water throughout the soil. These treatments are very beneficial during low-water years. Spring and Summer applications will increase watering absorption by at least 50%. This is especially helpful in the greater Sacramento area's hard clay soils for better water penetration.

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Soil Lab Analysis & pH Balancing

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A professional lab analysis from CLC is the most accurate report of how well your soil supports new growth. Maintaining the correct soil pH is essential for the health and appearance of lawns. Optimal pH levels ensure the availability of essential nutrients, promoting vigorous grass growth, weed resistance, and disease resilience. A well-balanced pH contributes to lush green lawns with improved water efficiency and root development. Beyond aesthetics, the right pH fosters a lawn that can withstand environmental stressors, creating a resilient and thriving landscape. Regular soil testing and targeted pH adjustments through lime or sulfur applications are key practices in achieving and sustaining a healthy lawn.


Mole Control

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Our professional mole control service offers a comprehensive solution to address the persistent challenge of lawn-damaging moles. We expertly identify mole activity, implement targeted baiting, and provide ongoing monitoring to ensure a mole-free lawn.

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Disease Control

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Preventing and managing turf diseases involves a combination of cultural practices, such as proper mowing, watering, and fertilization, as well as using disease-resistant grass varieties. Regular monitoring, early detection, and appropriate action are essential for maintaining a healthy and disease-resistant lawn. When a disease threatens your lawn, we have a full selection of foliar and systemic controls available to stop the spread of any destructive disease.

Mycorrhizal Inoculant

Mycorrhizal Inoculant

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A mycorrhizal inoculant is a product designed to introduce beneficial mycorrhizal fungi to plant roots, fostering a symbiotic relationship that enhances plant growth and overall soil health. Mycorrhizal fungi form a mutually beneficial association with plant roots, extending the root system's reach and improving nutrient and water uptake. The inoculant typically contains spores or mycelium of these fungi and is applied to the soil during planting or transplanting. The benefits of using mycorrhizal inoculants include increased nutrient absorption, improved drought resistance, and enhanced plant vigor. These inoculants are particularly beneficial in poor or disturbed soils, promoting a healthier and more resilient root system for turf grass.


Organic Bolster

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Organic bolsters for lawns offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to promoting lush, healthy grass growth. These natural products, often derived from sources like compost, manure, seaweed, and other organic materials, contribute essential nutrients to the soil without relying on synthetic chemicals. Organic fertilizers, such as compost or fish emulsion, provide a slow-release supply of nutrients, while compost improves soil structure and water retention. Seaweed and kelp products offer micronutrients and growth hormones, contributing to overall grass health.


Ironite Winterizer

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Elevate your lawn's beauty and resilience with our Ironite Winterizer Treatment. As the cold season approaches, this specially formulated treatment infuses your soil with essential nutrients, including iron, promoting a lush and vibrant lawn even in the depths of winter. Say goodbye to dull, lifeless grass and embrace the green oasis your property deserves with our Ironite Winterizer Treatment.

Read about The Winter Wonders of Ironite Winterizer for Lush and Resilient Lawns

Shrubs Services


Ornamental Shrub Fertilization

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Enriching your shrubs during spring, summer, fall, and winter ensures they not only thrive but also offer beauty and natural protection. Our specialized ornamental shrub fertilizer, tailored to the unique needs of your area, combined with precise application timing, unleashes the optimum potential for flowering and overall health.

Trees Services

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Tree Deep Root Fertilization

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Deep root fertilization for trees offers advantages such as increased nutrient availability, improved root development, and enhanced overall tree vigor. This approach ensures the effective delivery of nutrients without surface runoff, contributing to the tree's improved health and resilience. The application of slow-release deep root fertilizer is strategically done near the dripline when trees require it the most, fostering robust growth and vibrant, colorful foliage.

Trees and Shrubs Services


Merit® Systemic Insecticide

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Protects your trees and shrubs from insects. Aphids produce a sticky, messy sap called honeydew as a result of sucking the life out of your trees and shrubs, and honeydew increases pest insect activity. Our highly effective systemic treatment uses an IPM approach to target aphids and other damaging insects, while not targeting beneficial insects like ladybugs and praying mantises.

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"Triple Action" Neem Horticultural Oil

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Neem oil is a natural, vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). Neem oil stands out as a "triple action" solution, offering benefits as an insecticide, fungicide, and miticide. Its insecticidal properties make it effective against a variety of pests, disrupting their feeding habits and reproductive processes. As a fungicide, neem oil combats common fungal diseases, hindering their growth and protecting plants. Additionally, its miticidal capabilities make it a valuable tool against mites, preventing damage to plant tissues. The environmental friendliness of neem oil, coupled with its ability to enhance overall plant health, sets it apart as a sustainable choice for integrated pest management. Notably, neem oil targets harmful pests while sparing beneficial insects, ensuring a balanced and biodiverse ecosystem. Its versatility makes it suitable for various plants, providing comprehensive care and promoting resilient and healthy vegetation.

Read more about How Neem Horticultural Oil Safeguards Trees and Shrubs in the Cold Months

Weeds Services


Nutsedge Treatments

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Controlling nutsedge in lawns, known for its resilient nature and waxy coating, requires a multifaceted approach. This fast-growing, water-loving weed breaks through pre-emergent barriers, rendering them ineffective for prevention. Implement cultural practices such as improving drainage, reducing overwatering, and regular mowing to weaken nutsedge. This weed requires specialty sedge-selective herbicides with active ingredients like Halosulfuron for control.

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Ornamental Bed Weed Control

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Maintaining the pristine appearance of your ornamental bed areas is our priority in every season — spring, summer, fall, and winter. Tackling weeds that can mar the beauty of your landscape, we employ a strategic approach with spot treatments every other month. Our process goes beyond mere control; we incorporate preventative measures to curtail future weed populations. Even the often-neglected driveway and sidewalk cracks receive our meticulous attention for a seamlessly flawless landscape.

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Ornamental Bed Pre-emergent

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Experience the pinnacle of care with our ornamental bed pre-emergent treatments. Our all-encompassing service goes beyond the ordinary, providing a meticulously applied, full-coverage blanket of pre-emergent to your flower beds. This creates a robust protective barrier, effectively thwarting the germination and growth of weeds. Choose a higher standard for your ornamental beds with our comprehensive approach to pre-emergent treatments. non selective weed controls


Non-selective Weed Control Application

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Employing non-selective herbicide treatments stands out as the most efficient and targeted approach for eradicating all weeds in aging lawns. Initiating the process of killing the existing lawn as a precursor to renovation is a thoughtful and strategic measure aimed at rejuvenating and elevating the overall health and visual appeal of the upcoming lawn. This multifaceted process commences with the thorough elimination of unwanted grasses and weeds, effectively providing an immaculate canvas for a rejuvenated beginning. It further facilitates the identification and resolution of underlying issues, ranging from soil deficiencies and drainage concerns to potential diseases or pests lurking in the current lawn. This deliberate step not only paves the way for a transformation in grass types or varieties but also allows for a bespoke selection aligned with specific aesthetic and functional objectives. Eliminating competition for vital resources, this method ensures the newly planted grass can thrive and establish itself with heightened effectiveness, contributing to the success of the lawn's renewal.



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Firebreaks create a 15' wide defensible space to protect your property and investments without having to abate the entire property. Firebreaks are ideal for areas tractors and heavy equipment can't reach because of inclines, structures, or the nature of the landscape.

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